Welcome to the M.A.D house.
Next Shoot M.A.D Monthly
Sunday 2nd Feb
Safety brief at 10.45
£5 Members £10 Non Members
Food truck has been arranged.
£5 Members £10 Non Members
Food truck has been arranged.
xxx Breaking News xxx
M.A.D member John Gray, is the first shooter in the UK, to clear a course on sticks in competition - Huge well done John
Drone at Maldon HFT Rules and Regs Air Rifle safety
For new membership information call Richard on 07449 895053
Please do not text Richard, as modern technology confuses him .
Please do not text Richard, as modern technology confuses him .
Since 2005 Maldon and District Air Rifle Club, has been the premier air gun club in the South East of England. We are lucky to have a large and growing membership of plinkers, tournament shooters and bench resters.
M.A.D has a large and vibrant plinking community who regularly meet up and take full advantage of our excellent practice area and plinking ranges. We also have two covered ranges and a windless plinking tunnel for those inclement days and a clean and dry clubhouse. We also have running water and the best Ladies and Gent's toilets around.
Members have access to the site 365 days a year, with only an annual membership to pay, members pay no daily range fee's, however, there is a small charge for competitions.
We also have one of the most successful shooting teams in the country who managed to win the UKAHFT team trophy for 7 consecutive years. We also boast 5 HFT World Champions, a plethora of National champions and European champions and a Youtube idiot who wont shut up.
We are proud to be able to cater for a whole range of shooting disciplines and this diversity in styles is what makes M.A.D unique.
There is also a monthly Hunter Field Target (HFT) competitions in our woodland and bi-weekly shooting competitions (during the summer). Our plinking range goes out to 70 yards for those who want to practice Field Target and long range shooting and our practice HFT course (set to UKAHFT specification) is always available to members.
If you would like to visit the club we have a midweek shoot every other Wednesday evening throughout the summer and the first Sunday of every month (Covid restrictions permitting). If you'd like to initially visit at another time then simply give us a ring and we can arrange a visit at a time that suits
You are always assured a warm welcome.